Around our Community

Around Our Community

If you have a photograph of a community event, please email to Please include a short description, your name and contact information.

This month’s community photos highlight “A Silver Extravaganza”… celebrating the Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce’s 25th anniversary (1994–2019) | Photos: Ceasar Lizada

The 2020 Board of Directors pose with Judge Loo.
Some of the completed Hollywood Parols.
Singing as if their lives depended on it.
Participants in The Holiday Hunt rush out on the first search.
Name that Christmas Tune contestants raise the flag.
Myrna Breen wins the Hollywood style contest—female division.
Making the Hollywood Parol.
Lydia and Jeffrey Dela Cruz perform.
The Holiday Style contestants—female division.
Angelina Abapo performs.
American Savings Bank walks the red carpet.
A toast to the past presidents.
The paparazzi in full force.
The male participants in the Hollywood Style contest.
The Hollywood Showcase dancers.