If you have a photograph of a community event, please email to info@filamvoicemaui.com. Please include a short description, your name and contact information.
Romeo Guzman (right, shown with Donnie Cortez) was recently re-elected as president of the Ilocos Surians of Maui. Photo courtesy Donnie CortezThe Knights of Columbus were in their regal attire at the 85th Anniversary celebration of Christ the King Catholic Church. Photo: Paul PigaoLucy Peros (fifth from the left, back row) was the overall chairperson of the hugely successful 85th Anniversary celebration of Christ the King Catholic Church. Photo courtesy Paul PigaoBishop Larry Silva (fourth from left) flew in from Honolulu to attend the 85th Anniversary celebration of Christ the King Catholic Church. Photo: Paul PigaoThe Misa de Gallo at Christ the King Catholic Church had overflow crowds each morning. Photo: Paul PigaoElorde Augusto retired from American Savings Bank in December after many years of service at the Wailuku branch. Photo: Alfredo EvangelistaMarilyn Oura (10th from the right) was installed as president of the Maui Filipino Community Council during its Rizal Day Celebration. Photo: Rey PataoThe Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce installed and announced this year’s board of directors, led by Pres. Jeana Gamboa (2nd from left, front row), during its annual installation banquet on December 6, 2017, at the Kahili Restaurant. Photo courtesy Maui Filipino Chamber of CommerceSanto Niño Club of Maui members Neneth Diaz, Marites Boren, Tessie Sotto, Teresita Pailagao, Emarita Oraa and Helary Talaroc danced at, and their organization hosted, the 85th Annual Festival, at the Velma McWayne Community Center in Wailuku. Photo courtesy Marites BorenRoseminic Ulep (front right) was installed as president of the Adult Foster Homecare Association of Hawai‘i-Maui chapter. Photo courtesy Roseminic UlepVeterans, including a lady who served in the Airforce in the Korean War (4th from the right) are all smiles for the camera. This Veterans Day appreciation breakfast with Chancellor Lui Hokoana (3rd from the right) was held at U.H. Maui College Class Act on November 9, 2017. Photo courtesy Sharon ZalsosBusinessman Victor Campos was recently surprised with a 60th birthday party by his family and friends. Photo: Alfredo Evangelista