We Look Forward to a Brighter Future with Unity and Common Purpose
Now the elections are finally over, both nationally and locally, we all can breathe a sigh of relief that extreme policies and extremist brand of politics that were being advanced by some extremist candidates were rejected. We are so thankful our American experiment of democracy prevails. Hallelujah big Amen! At the local level on Maui Nui, candidates who supported some of these extreme policies were defeated and rejected by the voters. And it’s no surprise moderate candidates with commonsense policies were elected. As we begin to accept the results from the voters, it is time to look forward to a new beginning. The disappointments gradually fade as hope once again invites us to look instead to what the future has in store. Whatever our personal thoughts might be, we agree our best response is to give support for action which will serve the greater good to address the many challenges facing our community. Let’s all pray for our new leaders and give them our full support to respond to their calling to serve with passion and compassion.
In response to the Fil-Am Voice editorial regarding our next generation of young Filipino leaders, concerned representatives from various Maui Filipino organizations are meeting to address the ways we can train, encourage, inspire and support our young Maui Filipino American youth to be our next generation of leaders.

Photo courtesy Rick Nava
One shining hope arrived unexpectedly when a group of young leaders from the Filipino Jaycees of Honolulu joined us one Saturday morning. In our second meeting to discuss the challenge of growing future leaders, they voiced the PowerPoint presentation explaining what they are doing to face this same challenge. Enthusiasm and passion inspired all to encourage our Maui youth to also form a Jaycees Maui organization. Because the age range is 18 – 40, it helped participants to identify who on Maui could be invited to become charter members. The connection to an international and established entity was viewed as a welcome plus, giving a solid foundation to build on, as well as experienced mentors to help jumpstart the process. We are very encouraged by the enthusiasm of the participants at these meetings and we hope our future will be in the good hands of our next generation of young Filipino leaders.
We are again in the holiday season. Families are arranging to spend time together, many trying to make up for the interruptions caused by the pandemic. As we acknowledge the new layers of requirements for travel, there is more careful preparation for visits, whether as guests or hosts. The staff of Fil-Am Voice wishes all our readers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May God richly bless you and your ‘ohana during the holiday season!