Sakada Offspring

Sakada Offspring

Carol Ann Baylosis Ursua Lucy Peros | Photos courtesy the Ursua ‘Ohana If anyone wants to meet an angel here on earth, this month’s featured Sakada Offspring, Carol Ann Baylosis Ursua is the person. Carol was born in July 1954....

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Sakada Offspring

Rick Nava Lucy Peros | Photos courtesy the Nava ‘Ohana Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to...

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Sakada Offspring

Earl Nalei Lamadora Lucy Peros | Photos courtesy Lamadora ‘Ohana Ethnic, cultural and protocol tradition practices are being continued today by this month’s featured Sakada Offspring. Earl Lamadora continues these practices even though his grandfather, father, and mother have now...

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Sakada Offspring

Marcia Ann Cabebe Paranada Lucy Peros | Photos courtesy Cabebe Paranada ‘Ohana We know working out and being physically fit is good for us. It makes us stronger, relieves stress, and heals our body. This month’s featured Sakada Offspring, Marcia...

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Sakada Offspring

Editha Colitti Lucy Peros | Photos courtesy Colitti ‘Ohana Kindness is a powerful word. American Writer, humorist and essayist Mark Twain says kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Oprah Winfrey, an American...

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Sakada Offspring

Arthur Benito Lazaro Jacinto Lucy Peros | Photos courtesy Jacinto ‘Ohana This month’s featured Sakada offspring comes from a loving, close knit family. As an old phrase says, real love stands the test of time. Surely this family epitomizes this...

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