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This month’s community photos highlight The Renato & Maria AF Etrata Foundation presents Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Foundation 2020 Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament | Photos: Lawrence Pascua
Craig Zane, Jasmine Valdez, and Chris Rabang of the Westin Nanea team hoist the Mayor’s Cup and pose with Mayor Michael Victorino after placing first.The Sunflower Power Team (Myles Inokuma, Rose Pagan, and Kimo Apana) jumps in the Jim Falk Valley Isle Motor’s Hole in one Prize.Teamwok exemplified by Platinum Sponsor Westin NaneaProud Maui High School alums David Anzai (76), Carol Reimann (79) and Tournament Co-Chairperson Alfredo Evangelista (76).Winners: This team won the jumping contest.Golf Tournament Chairperson Bill Ruidas shows his teammates (Ben Acob and Joselito Yuzon) how to pose for the Team photo.Councilwoman Yuki Lei Sugimura presents the grand prize to Ed Evangelista.Team winners: Bayer (represented by Juanito Viloria) (Random selection), James Peros (9th place) and Westin Nanea (represented by Chris Rabang) (1st place).Platinum Sponsor International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1186 demonstrate the shaka.Tournament Co-Chair Melen Agcolicol is assisted by committee member Arnel Alvarez in distributing the breakfast bentos.Golf committee members Mike Agcolicol and Bessy Evangelista model their golf shirts provided by Title Sponsor Renato and Maria A.F. Etrata Foundation.Vanessa Baldos Domingo (Miss Maui Filipina 2018) emceed the reception while Mary Grace Basig (Miss Maui Filipina 2019) helped with the prizes.The team of Beverage Sponsor Pepsi led by Chester Rimorin (left).Platinum Sponsor Laborers Union Local 368 represents!Par 3 volunteers Vanessa Joy Domingo, Gilbert Keith-Agaran, and Leo Agcolicol.