The month of love.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated worldwide and lovers exchange gifts and tokens of their love.
All of us in the hospitality industry try our best to make Valentine’s Day special for everyone. If you came to my restaurant on Valentine’s Day, we had a couple of great specials for you.
I’m a firm believer that Valentine’s Day is a special day because Valentine’s Day is a Love Day. It is one of the days that we show our love and appreciation to the one person we love.
My personal Valentines ritual:
1. Wake up early before my wife.
2. Prepare coffee and breakfast.
3. Greet my wife—Good morning, Happy Valentines Day, baket (my love).
4. Coffee and breakfast in bed.
5. Get ready to work.
6. Buy 3 roses for wife.
7. Casual Lunch with wife.
8. Special romantic dinner with wife.
Last July, my wife Telly and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. I feel blessed to have my wife Telly as my partner in life and in work. I couldn’t do it without her. I am truly blessed.
I hope that you too are blessed in love and life…and that you took some time to wish your sweetheart, a Happy Valentine’s Day!