Our Mission to the Philippines, for Christ
In the Bible, Matthew 28:18-20, the Great Commission states: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Photo courtesy Two-Thirds World Network
In response to this call from God, Two-Thirds World Network (TTWN), a Maui based U.S. IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization recently held a medical, dental and evangelism ministry mission in various parts of the Philippines from January 15–27, 2024. TTWN objectives are:
• Declare the Good News of Christ in the Two-Thirds World;
• Develop partnerships that maximize human, material, and spiritual resources to meet physical and spiritual needs;
• Engage God’s people to inspire influential spiritual leadership and economic development among people;
• Build influential spiritual leaders through theological education, training seminars, and mentorship; and
• Promote cross-cultural exchange of ideas and opportunities in global missions.
The recent mission was conducted in Laoag City and Badoc in the province of Ilocos Norte; Turod and Camarao in Narvacan; Nagtupacan in Santa Maria; and Santa in the province of Ilocos Sur, and Bangued in the province of Abra. The mission team included two medical doctors, two dentists, nurses, pharmacists and several spiritual counselors. Local barrangay officials also provided help, especially feasts of delicious, authentic delicacies representing their villages. The warm and gracious hospitality given to us by the various villages made our mission work gratifying.
Some of the villages receiving help with medical and dental services were comprised of a mix of Muslims and Christians. This mix was also true of the health workers who helped our team. And what a joy to all be working together for the community. The services provided during our mission were medical checkups, dental services, medications, toothpaste, toothbrushes and reading glasses. In addition, the mission team provided livelihood training for the villages on starting a small business and creating a simple product, such as making mayonnaise, pork and veggie dumplings, ketchup and a variety of pickles and baked goods. The primary purpose of the livelihood training is to encourage the village community to become self-sustaining and to learn to produce simple products that can be sold to provide them with some additional income for their families.

Photo courtesy Two-Thirds World Network
During the two-week medical and dental mission by the TTWN team, approximately 865 patients received medical and dental assistance, services also needed in many other villages throughout the Philippines. This is an annual mission being provided by TTWN as a key part of its mission. The need for such services is so great because of the limited and costly healthcare services that, too often, are not being provided by the government.
We are so encouraged and grateful for the great deal of support and donations from individuals, churches and volunteers, who make it possible for us to carry out this very important work to those who are not able to access it and/or are not able to afford healthcare services.
This essential work continues, not only because it is the right thing to do, but it is God’s call to all of us to help those who are in need and less fortunate. May we all be the hands and feet of God and serve Him with joy and obedience to His call! God bless.